Sunday, May 17, 2020

Expanding Global Awareness Regulate Prostitution - 1770 Words

Expanding Global Awareness to Regulate Prostitution The subject of prostitution is a societal reality affecting everyone’s lives, whether people are aware of it or not. Its effects influence societies on many levels whether it’s the health market, social or moral amongst others. For many nations the sex trade market is oppressed and can be very dangerous because of its current legal status, to some extent forcing its operations into hands of organized crime. Crimes associated with prostitution like human trafficking and sexual abuse of minors continues to prevail because of this situation. The focus on preventative measures of those crimes are lacking because of the resources used to incriminate prostitutes and their clientele. The†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"Sex work involves the exchange of sexual services for material compensation as well as the selling of erotic performances and products† (R. Weitzer 3). A very visual form of prostitution that is mostly located in Holland are Window Brothels. Window B rothels are setup in designated areas exposing about a dozen rooms on street level with a red light, illuminating the window with, â€Å"a (sexually inviting) dressed prostitute presenting themselves and the services they offer on clear display† (Huisman, Hans 609). A more secretive form takes place in private clubs, usually done in back rooms. Escort services which are growing in popularity as a result of the internet and cell phones, is where people can call to have a prostitute come to a certain location to provide sexual services (Huisman, Hans 611). Sole proprietors typically receive clients at their home, which in most cases are operated with two to three individuals per residence (R. Weitzer 121). Street prostitution is where prostitutes present themselves on the street to conduct services wherever the client would like to take them. Generally street prostitution is the most dangerous of all forms with a greater potential for harm, infection and abduction (R. Weitzer 1 50). Current working conditions regarding sex work in unregulated countries vary depending whether that country is developing or developed (R. Weitzer 23). Another dependant is of what social class and condition the worker is currently at. Regarding

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