Sunday, December 29, 2019

Romeo and Juliet Analysis - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 9 Words: 2668 Downloads: 8 Date added: 2019/03/13 Category Literature Essay Level High school Tags: Romeo and Juliet Essay William Shakespeare Essay Did you like this example? Introduction Romeo and Juliet is one of the plays that has been extensively watched and reenacted across the world. Perhaps it is one of the most adored plays fall time, and much of the attention that the play has received is linked to the impact that it has had on the lives of many audiences. It is imperative that an analysis of this plays evaluates the various elements that influence the relevance of the play in the lives of these audiences. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Romeo and Juliet Analysis" essay for you Create order The most vital aspects of the play have a critical role in promoting its usefulness, and as such, it is essential that all these significant elements are evaluated for their roles in the play. Every literary analysis must stand guided by the understanding of the various aspects of the play and the overall impact that they have on the audiences. These elements have been integral in the appreciation of the art behind the play. Romeo and Juliet is a play that captures the love between two young lovers b the same name. The play revolves around the struggles as each character seems to be fighting against the odds in their love life. The implication is that this play is a tragic romance and all reenactments of the play have sought to bring out the challenge of love amidst troubles and the sad ending that the characters face in their lives. The play follows the deathlike coma that Juliet puts herself in, and while believing that his Juliet is dead, Romeo also looks for the poison to kills himself. His last moments seem him kills Paris who had mistaken Romeo to be a vandal before Romeo swallows the poison, he dies and almost after, Juliet awakens, and when she realizes that her Romeo is dead, she stabs herself with the aim of uniting with him in death. The story is a depiction of the tragic ending of love between two individuals with such strong feelings for each other. The play is one of the best representations of the work by Shakespeare who focused on telling the love story through the various approaches that involved tragic romance. Multiple aspects of the play are considered as contributing elements to the beauty and appreciation of the play. Costumes are among the outwards elements that are evident in the play. Ford (164) notes that the implication of the costumes in the play is aimed at communicating given aspects of the play that are essential in promoting the appreciation of the play. The argument on the costumes has often been the need to use costumes to highlight the timing of a play. This play is set in the Elizabethan period, and as such, the costumes must reflect the period in which the play was written. The choice of costumes for every character is vital in communicating their role (Ford 165). For instance, Paris must dress differently from Romeo as a way of communicating the subtle messages about their characters. Romeo is often pres ented as a suave gentleman with good command of his dressing while his servant Balthasar must also be dressed in a particular manner. Costumes are an integral element in every play, and the Romeo and Juliet play has managed to successfully rely on the costuming as a means of sharing the embodied messages in the play. One of the central elements in any literary work is the exploration of the themes in the work of art. Romeo and Juliet highlight various themes which are central to the understanding of the text. One of the major themes in this play is love. The entire play is hinged on the expression of love between Romeo and Juliet, and even the expression of this love marks the basis of this play. It is apparent that Romeo and Juliet are in love despite the challenges that they go through (Ford 166). Notably, even the act of drinking poison by Romeo stems from his pain on learning about the death of Juliet. Without confirming t5he news of the possible loss of his loved one, Romeo opts to kill himself (Snider 37). One of the significant expressions of the love between Romeo and Juliet is in the scene when Romeo hears Juliet swear her love for him regardless of the wall of hatred between the two families. The power of love is inherent in the hopes of Friar who believes that the feuding families could be united by the love between the two lovebirds. According to Prusko (117), the expectations of the young minds is that of a life of bliss which would not be interrupted by the common happenings of life. Love is one of the major themes that has been continuously used to define the story of Romeo and Juliet in the various discourses. The impact of love is an important subject that is brought out in this play. It is a commonplace that every person behaves in a certain way at given times and Romeo and Juliet is a revelation of the need for seclusion and differentiating between the social and the private. Prusko (119) opines that Romeo and Juliet seem to want to explore physical, psychological and even linguistic spaces in their seclusion. The closeness of these two lovebirds is a reason for their desire for seclusion from everyday experiences and the need for separation from their families into their private space. The implication is that the love between these two make them inseparable and any other element that tries to create a gap between them is treated with contempt. For instance, even Montague seems intrigued that his son has changed a lot (Snider 40). At one point, Romeo’s friends question the place of his thoughts especially from his newfound interaction with Juliet. The impact of love seems to b e a significant part of this play, and it serves to address the issue by this play. It is critical to visualize the possible struggles that the love between Romeo and Juliet raises. They have to struggle with their friends and families in their bid to experience their love for each other. Ford (166) argues that the reflections highlighted in the experiences of Romeo and Juliet are the building blocks that facilitate the understanding of the play and its message. The representation of adolescence is also an important subject that is highlighted in this play. The play explores the everyday experiences of the young minds in society as well as the challenges that they have in their lives. Prusko (115) discusses that the play highlights the search for individualism as well as the inherent desire of the youths to assert themselves. The question of individuality is highlighted in the decisions that Romeo and Juliet make in their love life. Both individuals come from families that are at war and as such, any such relationship, leave alone marriage, cannot be contemplated. The vibrancy and recklessness of adolescence is, therefore, an important subject that is inherent in the love relationship between Romeo and Juliet. Prusko (115) notes that Romeo and Juliet are a reflection of the need for privacy and social expectations. These two individuals seek to assert themselves, and their need for privacy without outside interference and the experiences of Juliet are enough evidence of the extent of societal expectations. Juliet is supposed to be married off to a spouse of the family’s choosing despite her love for Romeo, and as such, she opts to take the poison provided by the Friar to stop herself from being married off. The struggle for independence in this play is brought out in the choices that these two individuals make in as far as their love is concerned. Further exposition of the play highlights the infusion of tragedy in the plot of the play and the impact that it has on the characters and the plot development. The play is a tragic romance that is marked by the death of the various characters. The central tragedy is the death of Romeo and Juliet. However, the deaths of Tybalt and Paris are also definitive deaths that are found in this play. Lindell (167) posits that while the brawl involving Tybalt and Mercutio may have been intentional, the stabbing was not expected as an outcome of the brawl. The infusion of death in the plot of the play further serves to promote the development of the plot regarding revealing the experiences of the characters in the play. Eventually, Tybalt also gets killed by Romeo who accidentally stabs him as he tried to stop the fight. The element of death has also been a major discourse in the depiction of the ‘false death’ of Juliet and the impact that it adds to the play. As a result of the comma, Juliet is thought as dead, and Romeo kills himself on this account. Lindell (168) points out that while it has sometimes been thought as a representation in bad taste, this scene adds to the plot development of this play and it facilitates the exploration of the themes in this play. The thematic issues that have been fronted in this play have played a significant role in highlighting various elements in the play. However, some styles have also been explored in the play, and they have also been central to the understanding g of the various aspects of his play. One of the elements is foreshadowing which is commonplace in this play. At the onset of the play, the bar brawl is potential flash-forward to the outcomes in this play. Lindell (167) notes that elements of foreboding are also inherent in the lingering questions that Romeo has as he is on his way to the feast held by the Capulets. The impact of such stylistics approaches is in preparing the audience for the final parts of the play. There is a quick succession of deaths in the play towards the end perhaps as a fulfillment of the foreshadowing — the stabbing of Mercutio, Romeo killing Tybalt, Romeo killing Paris and eventually killing himself. These are essential parts of the play that highlights the im portance of the play and promote its usefulness as a work of art. Situational irony has also been adopted as a style and ion this case; it communicates the theme of love that is shared between Romeo and Juliet. Notably, only Romeo is not aware that Juliet is not dead but in a self-imposed comma to avert the possible marriage to another suitor. At the point that he is made aware of her death, even Paris is grief-stricken for this loss. The audience, however, understands the happenings in this scene (Ford 163). The implication is that such situational irony makes for good comedy in a play although it also contributes to the mimesis that is experienced in a work of art. Lindell (167) notes that the audience is easily made to drive with Romeo upon the â€Å"loss† of his lover. This state of common experience is one of the elements that has often made this play success with many audiences. Symbolism is also a significant element that facilitates the appreciation of this play. Ford (168) discusses that the communicative value of every work of art must be hinged on certain factors and in this case, symbolism has been widely used. Light and darkness provide one of the most significant comparisons in the play, for instance; each lover views the other as their light. The night also symbolizes the moment of freedom for the characters and most of the secrets are realized in the night (Snider 61). Symbolism is a significant feature that runs across the longevity of this play, and it requires a closer observation for one to appreciate its usefulness and relevance fully. Additional elements in the analysis of this play include the evaluation of the characterization as adopted in the play. Ford (169) argues that the composition of a play must be designed in such a way that it pormote4s the understanding of the play. In this play, each character has been developed to facilitate the inherent messages and themes in the play. Romeo’s character is depicted as a man who has hot always been lucky on matters love. His advances have not always been appreciated by the objects of his affections. Prusko (122) discusses that the element of privacy that is enhanced in the play is built based on the previous experiences of each character. Further, Romeo is depicted as a person who struggles with speech perhaps a sign of his inexperience on matters to do with love. Juliet is depicted as an individual who is obedient to the parents but with a stronger innate sense of perseverance and independence. The strong will is among the factors that make Prusko (127) perceive the play as a demonstration of young adolescent love. Other characters are also given various traits which facilitate the roles that they have. However, the development of Romeo and Juliet is an essential part of this play, and Snider (46) notes that much of the play revolves around the accuracy in the creation of these two characters. Language is also a central factor that has been adopted in this play. The balance that is highlighted in the use of language throughout the play and Prusko (121) notes that the conversations between Romeo and Juliet are way different from the discourses among the other characters. The implication that the conversations between Romeo and Juliet are filled with the longing that can only be seen in lovers and there is a sense of privacy that their conversation builds around them (Snider 61). The language that is adopted points to the Elizabethan era which also had its expectations of love and as such, every depiction of this play must be seen to address these expectations. Romeo and Juliet is a significant play that has impacted various societies. Issues such as themes, styles and the use of language are integral factors that contribute to the understanding and relevance of this play to multiple audiences. It is necessary that every analysis of this play must define the impact of these given elements and the impact that they have on communicating the experience of this play. The quality of the play must be defined by the consideration of the potential impact of these elements in influencing the meaning and appreciation of the play. The various thematic areas are central in the interpretation of the text as far as its relevance to the society as a whole. The necessity of such analysis is embedded in exploring the subtle aspects of the play that have defined its plot and artistry. Romeo and Juliet remain’s one of the most significant plays in the world of literary art and its appreciation requires an understanding of the aspects discussed in this analysis. Works Cited Ford, Elizabeth. Will Kemp, Shakespeare, and the composition of Romeo and Juliet. Early Theater. Pg. 162-175. Accessed 31 Dec 2018. Lindell, Kiki. Putting the Fun Back in Funerals: Dealing/Dallying with Death in Romeo and Juliet. Pg. I65-181. Accessed 31 Dec 2018. Prusko, Rachel. Youth and Privacy in Romeo and Juliet. Early Theatre. (2016). Vol. 19. Issue 1. Pg. 113-136. Retrieved From:   Snider, J. Denton. Romeo and Juliet. The Shakespearian drama, a commentary: The Tragedies. Sigma Publishing Co. 1887. P36-78. Accessed 31 Dec 2018. ¤tPosition=3docId=GALE%7CH1420019261docType=Critical+essaysort=RELEVANCEcontentSegment=prodId=LitRCcontentSet=GALE%7CH1420019261searchId=R2userGroupName=warrenccinPS=true.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Exploration Of Human Memory Essay - 1848 Words

The exploration of human memory will unlock the past and future. Through the exploitation of human memory man condemn itself to an apocalyptic world. The manipulation of the human memory is key to man’s control over the human mind. Memory can divide what humans see and what humans can remember. Some memories may be deceitful, but it all depends on the state of mind and past experiences of that individual. Memory isn’t just a personal experience that’s based only on that person, an event can change people physically and mentally. Memory is based off of multiple factors that occur in the brain. It’s a deep subject that both neuropsychologist and psychologist have tried to completely understand in the past decade. Author Carl Gunther said that â€Å"Underneath the mind’s perceptual process is the mysterious mechanics of memory† (Gunther 87). In hopes of a new future where memory isn’t so mysterious. Humans are digging deeper in the unknow n such as neuroscientist Bence Olveczky of the Harvard University in Cambridge Massachusetts. To explain how Olveczky would discover a possible breakthrough in manipulating the human mind would take time. To grasp the concept of manipulating memory one would have to know the history and meaning of memory. Humans consider memory as the ability to remember things, true, but is also the â€Å"ability to Encode, store, retain and subsequently recall information and past experiences in the human brain† (Mastin â€Å"The Human Memory†). Learning isShow MoreRelatedSpace Exploration Is The Solution For All Of Our Problems1289 Words   |  6 PagesSpace exploration is the solution to all of our problems. Fact. Population control spiralling out of control? Colonise. Running out of energy? Solar Generators on a dedicated space station. It’s shockingly simple. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Argumentative Essay Against the Computer Society Free Essays

It is hard to imagine a life without the internet and the computer. Most people in our modern western society use the computer every day in work, school and as a means of recreation. The computer has Change our every day lives drasticly. We will write a custom essay sample on Argumentative Essay Against the Computer Society or any similar topic only for you Order Now We now exchange information faster than ever before and anything we want to know is out there for us to fetch with only a click. But is the computer and the internet really to our advantage? I think not. I think that there are more disadvantages with the computer than most people might see. I think that the world would be a much better place without computers. We have never had so little human interaction as before. Yes, the internet is good for keeping in contact with friends and relatives, but we have to ask ourselves what happened to personal interaction. It is said that between 60 and 70 percent of what we interpret when we are talking to someone is through their body language. We learn very little about each other from the sterile type of talking in front of our computer screens. Humans are social beings and we need to be around people a lot more than what we are when we only spend our time together in cyber space. Being on Facebook and other community-pages will also make us think that we know people by seeing their pictures and reading their status updates. When we meet them we have a set interpretation of the person even though we might not have met them in years. We think that we know all about a person when we only know what they want us to know. This means that people never really get to know each other from experiences they have shared. We have never been this stressed ever. Before the age of computers, we could stop worrying about work as soon as we got home in the afternoon. Nowadays, as soon as we come home and have a chance to relax, we check our email accounts and maybe finish up some things we didn’t have time for at the office. The internet is also very distracting, which can be an obstruction in work, causing stress when the work piles up. We are never disconnected from work or school, we know that there is always a way for work to hunt us down and we know that not checking our email for letters from our boss or another co-worker is frowned upon or seen as irresponsible. Stress is a great reason to why people have heart diseases, digestive problems, are depressed and have trouble sleeping like never before. Alcohol is no longer the only drug being used as a means of relaxation. Marijuana and other drugs are also becoming more tolerated and common within society. I believe that the level of stress that we are exposed to every day is a trigger for drug and alcohol abuse. Stress isn’t the only reason why always being connected to the internet is unhealthy and dangerous. Our body is made for physical work. We are supposed to be using our bodies for hunting and other sorts of physical work. We are supposed to be able to run from larger predators and go up a hill without breathing heavily. But most people these days wouldn’t be able to manage this. We spend our whole day sitting in front a computer and when we’re not, we sit by the dinner table, in class or in front of the television. Our bodies aren’t working as they should, on top of this; we eat a lot of greasy, processed food. There is no coincidence that obesity is now an epidemic disease in the western world. Worldwide obesity has more than doubled since 1980. In 2008 1,5 billion people were overweight and 65% of the world’s population live in countries where overweight and obesity kills more people than underweight. Obesity can trigger heart diseases, cancer, strokes and many other illnesses. The absolute freedom of press on the internet is seen by something good and something that helps democracy that we should encourage. But when there are no rules or regulations about what people may write on the internet, and who is to view what is said on forums, blogs etc. things that are demoralizing and directly damaging will be said. Most children nowadays have access to pornographic material, gambling sites, pro-anorexia forums, pedophiles and harmful propaganda of all sorts. And there is no way for parents to know what their children are up to once they have clicked the ‘delete’ button in the history archive of the computer. And it’s not only the children who are at risk when using the internet. We now move almost all of our banking and communicating to the internet which means that if we aren’t careful, someone might be reading our emails, or hacking our bank accounts. The reason why we should re-evaluate all this time spending on the internet and by the computer is first of all because we have to socialize more face-to-face with the people we love and cherish. Secondly because it is very stressful to always be accessible through the internet. The third reason is because moving is a vital part of the human health and obesity is a growing epidemic and finally because we are always exposed to a risk when going online. How to cite Argumentative Essay Against the Computer Society, Essays

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Developing a Framework for Responsible Innovation

Question: Critically analyse the seven dimensions within a strategic innovation framework to produce a portfolio of outcomes that drive growth in your chosen organisation? Answer: Introduction In this essay, a critical study has been conducted to analyze the seven dimensions of the framework of innovation strategy of the renowned UK Company Marks Spencer. Marks Spencer is a major retail store chain, which was founded in Leeds, UK in 1884, but presently its stores have been set up all over the world ( 2016). Founded in 1884 by Michael Marks as just a small retail store in Leeds market, and later joined by Thomas Spencer in 1894, it has now become one of the worlds largest retail stores (Waller and Sag 2014). After the founding the store, Marks main aim was to deliver durable products at a very cheap but reasonable price. The company gradually grew through the years and currently it has now more than 500 operating stores around the world ( 2016). In the beginning, the company only sold clothes, food products and some luxury goods but currently they sell wide range of products including stationary, household and other goods. This essay gives the ideas regarding the strategic framework followed by Marks Spencer, the strength and weakness of the strategy and the general measures taken by the company. This essay also critically analyses the operations and innovations done by the company. Study on innovation strategy framework of Marks Spencer Marks Spencer follow a strict seven-fold strategic innovation framework. This framework has largely helped in the growth of the company from a small retail outlet in Leeds market to a multinational retail store having branches all over the world (Anderson et al. 2014). An innovation framework helps a company to develop new products according to peoples needs and also bring new ideas for the management and production departments (Tidd 2014). The seven dimensions of innovation framework followed by Marks Spencer are as follows: Management of Innovation Procedure: According to analysis by Davenport (2013), managed innovation is necessary for the company to look beyond the present needs of people and make innovations that will attract more customers to buy the products. Futuristic innovations are necessary for a company to keep pace with the changing global markets and challenge the competitors. Alignment to Strategy: Cassia et al. (2012) opined that, key members and shareholders of the company mainly follow this, which involves sticking to the basic goals and guidelines of the company. They provide support and enthusiasm for the workers and other members of the company to follow the vision and basic strategies of the company to gain control over the market (Stilgoe et al. 2013). Industry and Market Foresight: According to Anderson et al. (2014), this is important to keep track of the changes in technology and inventions used in the industries for the supply of new materials. In addition, a good market foresight is essential to understand the changes in global markets and peoples needs. This also helps in bringing suitable changes within the company to survive even within tough competition from rival companies (Rubalcaba et al. 2012). Consumer Insight: Estampe et al. (2013) says this is important for a company to evaluate customers needs and sell products accordingly. This helps in maintaining a strong customer base and attracting even more customers if the quality of products is good and the price within the reach of general mass. Core Technologies: This is mainly the capability of a company to utilize latest available technologies to manufacture products of best quality. This is also required to fulfill customers need, maintain a good customer base, and compete with rival companies in a changing global market (Waller and Sag 2014). Organized Management: According to Kiron et al. (2013), an organized management helps a company to work on innovations and new ideas and implement an organized and viable marketing strategy. An organized management is also needed to manage the financial and operational aspects of the company. Disciplined Implementation: Kahn et al. (2012) opined that, success of new ideas and strategies depend on the disciplined approach of the company towards implementing innovations and ideas in the global market. There is a fine line of difference between invention and innovation. Invention refers to the creation of something new not available previously, while innovation mainly refers to a new idea to strategically improve an invention or a particular production. In short, invention is a new idea and innovation is the strategic implementation of that idea (Zott and Amit 2015). Invention is needed to advance technologically and keep pace with changing times. Innovation is needed to improve quality or functionality of a product or even present an existing product in a completely new package to attract new customers (Davenport 2013). Different companies have different perspectives on the application of innovations. Some companies think innovation means developing new products and introduce new items in the global markets, while to others, innovation is mainly improvement of already existing products and selling them in new packages in a cost effective way (Rubalcaba et al. 2012). In addition, some companies do not rely much on innovations to maintain a particular brand value (Estampe et al. 2013). Marks Spencer faced a decline in the late 20th century due to this policy of not accepting innovations or new technologies and continuing to have faith in their regular and cheap brand products (Stilgoe et al. 2013). In the last few years, they changed this policy, brought in new technologies, and used new strategies and innovations to prevent the gradual decline and increase their brand value again ( 2016). Currently, Marks Spencer follows four strategies of innovation policy. Food Waste: The company aims to conduct several experiments and case studies to understand the real reasons behind food wastage by their customers and the supply chain retailers. They also aim to introduce to new policies to reduce food wastage and supply more food to charities (Cassia et al. 2012). Circular Economy System: Marks Spencer aims to evaluate the opportunities of circular economy system in the global market. As a part of the plan, they aim to evaluate the viability of business if recycled waste materials are used for production of new products (Kahn et al. 2012). Policy of Circular Economy: By 2016, Marks Spencer aim to construct a strategical plan to implement circular economy system and create a sustainable economy (Estampe et al. 2013). Textile Recovery: The Company will conduct a project in collaboration with several reputed universities to conduct a survey to increase the value and the volume of textile products recovery. This plan is still in progress and the project is yet to start (Klionsky et al. 2012). Marks Spencer has also chalked out several innovation strategies to be applied in the markets. The main parts of their plans are as follows: New Innovation Plan: The company aims to launch a new innovation plan to solve their technical problems and create new goals and challenges to keep up with the competitions of the rival companies. They also aim to forge new partnerships and collaborations to increase the financial support and options to solve the main technical issues (Kiron et al. 2013). International Learning Stores: Within a few years, the company will open several new learning stores in various parts of the world to learn more about the local market and demands. This will gradually help the company to take hold of the local markets (Kahn et al. 2012). Sustainable Merchandize: The company aims to produce new products and merchandize that will be sustainable and cost-friendly (Davenport 2013). Off-site Construction: By 2016, Marks Spencer aims to begin several off-site constructions involving on-site installation of building parts. This can help in reduction of waste and increase of efficiency. The company aims to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of the off-site constructions and, in time, will prepare a report to recommend its future usage (Cassia et al. 2012). Building Information Model (BIM): The Company also aims to study the effectiveness of BIM and evaluate how the company can use it in future. According to the BIM model, a building can be designed in three dimensions, keeping in mind the potential problems and effectiveness (Estampe et al. 2013). Climate Adaptation of Stores: Within a few years, Marks Spencer plans to review the climatic changes in the store locations and design a strategic plan to adapt the store according to the climate (Owen et al. 2013). Neutral Carbon Operations: Marks Spencer aims to maintain carbon neutrality in order to continue operations in a environment friendly manner. This operation is aimed to be applied worldwide in all stores and factories of the company, in collaboration with all the associates (Kiron et al. 2013). According to the companys reports, this will make Marks Spencer the biggest retailer in the world with carbon neutral operations globally. Steps have been already taken by the company to reduce CO2 emission. Steps have also been taken to reduce emission of wastes and impure water. Emission of CO2 has been reduced from lighting, air-conditioning and heating (Klionsky et al. 2012). Besides all these innovation plans and activities, Marks Spencer has designed a strict governance plan for successful running and growth of the company. The main principles of this structure are innovation, integrity, intouch and inspiration (Estampe et al. 2013). The executive committee of the company meets every few months to chalk new strategies, manage ongoing plans and provide leadership to the workers of the company ( 2016). They also plan strategies to maintain ethical, social and environmental aspects during the operations of the company (Stilgoe et al. 2013). A small team of experienced personnel is also created to develop company policies and solutions to the problems, maintain healthy relationship with the stakeholders of the company and others (Kahn et al. 2012). A group risk profile is evaluated every six months to mark the potential social and other risks. Business risks are also evaluated in order to maintain reputation, value and successful operation of the company (Davenport 2013). The committee also reviews the risks due to extreme climatic changes and other social aspects. The main aim is always maintain brand value, corporate reputation and continuity of supply chain in spite of all the risks and threats (Owen et al. 2013). The Code of Ethics and Policy of Anti-Bribery are also revised regularly and any breach to the rules lead to hard punishment. There is also a separate board, the Advisory Board for Sustainable Retail, which meets every six months to evaluate the viabilities and challenges of the plans designed by the company. They also provide solutions to several challenges and apply their expertise to provide advices regarding solutions and upgradable services ( 2016). Looking beyond 2016, the most important aim of the company is increasing marketing and in addition to it, transparency. They have designed a plan to improve marketing and transparency for both stakeholders and customers (Kiron et al. 2013). They also have plans to step up their efforts to get more involved in a circular economy policy in addition to existing initiatives (Cassia et al. 2012). Several strategies are in effect to adapt the stores according to local climate and demand of people. The next few years will be vital for the company to set up a sustainable global economy, including production of quality products at a suitable price and an environment friendly manner (Kahn et al. 2012). In their home country, Marks Spencer aim to launch a new leadership program following the primary governance plan. This initiative will help to evaluate their business plans and increase efficiency of workers in order to maintain successful running of the company ( 2016). Conclusion This essay gives a critical analysis of the strategy framework followed by Marks Spencer, which contributed in the growth of the company globally. Over reliance on the brand value, sticking to the policy of cheap productivity, incompetent managers have led to some decline of the company since the late 20th century. To prevent this decline, the company should accept changes that will be favorable. Effective leaders are to be appointed in the high posts and technological advances should be accepted instead of sticking to old ways of production. New strategies are to be structured to keep pace with the changing global markets and needs of people. Over-dependence on cheap production should be avoided and instead, new methods are to be innovated to produce goods of better quality at a suitable price. To keep pace with changing markets, the company has entered the field of e-commerce and launched a mobile application for easy trade of goods. The several plans and strategies chalked out by the company are to be implemented quickly and effectively to prevent decline of the company. References Anderson, N., Poto nik, K. and Zhou, J., 2014. Innovation and creativity in organizations a state-of-the-science review, prospective commentary, and guiding framework.Journal of Management,40(5), pp.1297-1333. Cassia, L., De Massis, A. and Pizzurno, E., 2012. Strategic innovation and new product development in family firms: An empirically grounded theoretical framework.International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior Research,18(2), pp.198-232. (2016). [online] Available at: [Accessed 12 Mar. 2016]. Davenport, T.H., 2013.Process innovation: reengineering work through information technology. Harvard Business Press. Estampe, D., Lamouri, S., Paris, J.L. and Brahim-Djelloul, S., 2013. A framework for analysing supply chain performance evaluation models.International Journal of Production Economics,142(2), pp.247-258. Kahn, K.B., Barczak, G., Nicholas, J., Ledwith, A. and Perks, H., 2012. An examination of new product development best practice.Journal of Product Innovation Management,29(2), pp.180-192. Kiron, D., Kruschwitz, N., Haanaes, K., Reeves, M. and Goh, E., 2013. The innovation bottom line.MIT Sloan Management Review,54(3), p.1. Kiron, D., Kruschwitz, N., Reeves, M. and Goh, E., 2013. The benefits of sustainability-driven innovation.MIT Sloan Management Review,54(2), p.69. Klionsky, D.J., Abdalla, F.C., Abeliovich, H., Abraham, R.T., Acevedo-Arozena, A., Adeli, K., Agholme, L., Agnello, M., Agostinis, P., Aguirre-Ghiso, J.A. and Ahn, H.J., 2012. Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy.Autophagy,8(4), pp.445-544. Owen, R., Stilgoe, J., Macnaghten, P., Gorman, M., Fisher, E. and Guston, D., 2013. A framework for responsible innovation.Responsible innovation: managing the responsible emergence of science and innovation in society, pp.27-50. (2016). 1st ed. [ebook] Available at: [Accessed 12 Mar. 2016]. Rubalcaba, L., Michel, S., Sundbo, J., Brown, S.W. and Reynoso, J., 2012. Shaping, organizing, and rethinking service innovation: a multidimensional framework.Journal of Service Management,23(5), pp.696-715. Stilgoe, J., Owen, R. and Macnaghten, P., 2013. Developing a framework for responsible innovation.Research Policy,42(9), pp.1568-1580. Tidd, J., 2014. Conjoint innovation: Building a bridge between innovation and entrepreneurship.International Journal of Innovation Management,18(01), p.1450001. Waller, S.W. and Sag, M., 2014. Promoting innovation.Iowa L. Rev.,100, p.2223. Zott, C. and Amit, R., 2015. Business Model Innovation: Toward a Process Perspective.The Oxford Handbook of Creativity, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship, p.395.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Running Record free essay sample

The children NM is responsible for begin to arrive to the play date. Including the own children. Play experiences involving different areas of learning, are set up for all to participate. Children also have the opportunity to suggest activities. After snack time, all children sat on the couch to sing nursery songs. VM requested to sing, â€Å"Five little Ducks† song that happens to be one of the child’s favourites .The children sing the song so comfortably with NM. How many ducks were there VM? NM asked the child and said that there were five ducks. VM used his fingers to count from one to five and then said, â€Å"Ducks go quack quack†. NM asked the child, â€Å"What colour are ducks? † The child said, â€Å"Ducks are yellow†. After the short question time, all the children requested to sing the song once again. NM observed that the child was able to count from one to five more confidently then before. We will write a custom essay sample on Running Record or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The children have been instructed that it is now time free play. Three-year-old VM looks around the room for a while and walks over to the home corner. Today this play area is equipped with tea set, blocks and soft toys. VM then walks to the bathtub, brings out five coloured ducks from the bathtub toys and places the ducks around the play mat in the home corner. As the child seats the ducks on the play mat, VM does talk to himself with a low voice â€Å"You are Mummy Duck†, (chose the largest duck).VM then proceeds to give each duck a place in the family. The child picks up the smaller ducks and said, â€Å"You are the Baby Ducks†. NM asked, â€Å"How many ducks do you need if it is like the song? † . VM begins to count the ducks that he had placed on the mat and replied, â€Å"All together there are five ducks Mum†. NM asked, â€Å"Where do ducks go together and how far do they swim? † VM replied, â€Å"One day ducks went swimming up and over the hills and very far away†.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Guilt in the Scarlet Letter essays

Guilt in the Scarlet Letter essays Guilt and redemption in Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthrone is a central topic of the novel. The whole story is based on the life of a married woman after committing adultery and describes the effects of this sin. There are two persons who are exposed to this sin and guilt: Hester, a married woman and Reverend Dimmesdale. If Hester was courage enough to struggle this problem and face all hardships and misfortunes with dignity after confessing, then the fear of exposal and shame of the committed sin turned into a personal catastrophe for Dimmesdale. As a result, failing to struggle with the shame and guilt reverend Dimmssdale died. The guilt for Hester as a result turned into a shameful page of her life: she had to wear scarlet letter on her closing, which marked her as sinner and she had to raise her illegitimate daughter Pearl, who was embodiment of this sin. After society found out her sin, Hester was cruelly punished for being adulterer. Because novel takes place in Puritan New England the issues of morality were very strict and the punishment was very cruel. The most terrible thing in Hesters sin was that she committed adultery with towns minister; reverend Dimmesdale and she had to keep silence about it. After spending several months in jail and being affected to 3 hours of public humiliation, Hester had to wear red letter A that would mark her as adulterer. For Puritans this letter stood as "a living sermon against sin (Hawthorne 69), but for Hester it was a life reminder of her guilt: the peculiar effect of this convex mirror, the scarlet letter was represented in exaggerated and gigantic proportions, so as to be greatly the most prominent feature of her appearance. In truth, she seemed absolutely hidden behind it(72). Nevertheless, despite all hardships and humiliation she had to stand in her own city, Hester was able to accept it and continue her life. Sh...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Human Experiments - Inform consent Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Human Experiments - Inform consent - Essay Example Medical research is usually carried out on animals, however, many researchers and practitioners do not find these methods of experimentation as accurate and as reliable as research conducted on humans. Hence, human experimentation is becoming a very popular mode of medical research for many practitioners and researchers. Human experimentation was first used in the nineteenth century where there was an increased demand for human experimentation in the areas of bacteriology, immunology and physiology. These researches were usually done without the knowledge and consent of the patients. When injury resulted for some of the patient-subjects, the public and the medical community was outraged. Questions were subsequently raised abut the suitability of these experiments. The first restrictions on human experimentation were issued by the Prussian minister for religious, educational, and medical affairs. These regulations became imperative because of the actions of Albert Neisser—professor of dermatology and venerealogy at the University of Breslau. In order to establish preventive means for syphilis, he injected prostitutes who were admitted to the hospital (for different medical reasons) with cell free serum from patients with syphilis. These prostitutes were not informed about the experiment that w ould be undertaken on them. When the patients were infected with syphilis, Neisser concluded that the vaccination and treatment he administered did not work. He was later fined and reprimanded by the Royal Disciplinary Court for his unethical actions. The court said that although his tests may have been harmless to the patients, he should have sought their consent before administering the serum to them. As a result of the Neisser case, a directive was issued to all hospitals and clinics advising that all medical interventions which were not related to diagnosis, healing and immunization should not be performed on minors and on

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Inventory Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1

Inventory Management - Essay Example This research paper examines the aspects of inventory management based on the fact that inventories are the major expense incurred during the operations of any organization. In this regard, it is prudent for managers to emulate effective systems of controlling their stock. In order to meet the demand of their customers, most businesses maintain an inventory system that ensures optimal inventory is maintained while at the same time tracking the movement of stock. Organizations that are product-oriented greatly value the concept of inventory control. For example, in order to enhance efficiency in their operations, manufacturers aim at having as little inventory as possible (Andrew and John 35).On the other hand distributors are focused at maintaining a certain amount of stock that meets the needs of their customers. This paper seeks to analyze various methods that Wooden Wonders Ltd can emulate in order to ensure that costs of ordering and holding inventories are minimal as well as ens uring that company inventories are sufficient and not surplus. Economic order quantity entails the level of inventory that minimizes the ordering cost as well as the inventory holding costs. The model that was developed by Ford Harris in 1913, seeks to identify whether or not the inventory held by a company is reasonable. One of the major aspects of EOQ is that it is used if there is no change in demand for the product throughout the year. The model consists of fixed cost that does not change regardless of the quantity of the units ordered.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Critical Thinking Reflection Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Critical Thinking Reflection - Article Example The most important information in this article is web can be dangerous and thus need to learn to control the use and addiction to social media and the web to our advantage as we take measures not to sway away from reality as we are pegged all day to these machines and networks. The fact that Russell’s Facebook, Youtube and Twitter accounts were almost dead before he posted the videos shows that by that time he was living in the real world, but after his fame, he even cut down his sleeping hour and patterns which affected his mental health. The author’s arguments are strong in the credibility of the information and his connection to the real life. For instance, viewing computers and networks as tools that helped Russell support his mission, have turned out to tear his psyche and exposing him to kudos and criticisms, with the article’s heading. Authors weaknesses can be traced his failure to argue exactly on what other uses of the web apart from the social site lik e Facebook, Youtube and Twitter can affect both socially and psychologically. In his arguments, he concentrates much on these sites which are accompanied by likes, shares, kudos and criticisms but the overall web includes other site of knowledge search, which he did not argue on their effects. The main conclusion of this article is that the web has both positive effect and negative ones. The effective use, management and control of addiction to these media are important because the uncontrolled use and overreliance can transform our perception and interactions to those of cyborgs. The best practice would be to prepare psychologically on the criticisms and kudos associated with content posted online and more so concentrate on the  productive part of the web like knowledge search and business information.  

Friday, November 15, 2019

Land Rover Marketing Mix

Land Rover Marketing Mix How marketing mix lead to the success of Land Rover Jun Lu Introduction The traditional marketing mix has received wide approval in past 60 years. It is orientated towards physical products and is beginning to lose its position (GroÃÅ'ˆnroos 1994). However, the ingredients of the marketing mix can be altered and they vary from the product to product (Hodder EduIcation, n.d). Booms and Bitner (1980) mentioned that the marketing mix for services should be extended to cover other aspects of marketing. Therefore, MaGrath (1986) added three new Ps (people, process and physical evidence) into the marketing mix. This essay firstly aims to analyse the impact of the traditional marketing mix on the success of Land Rover through information obtained from company websites. Secondly it analyses the shortages of traditional marketing mix and introduces this new concept of marketing mix (7Ps), and finally analyses the impact of the 7Ps merged with the relationship marketing on this company. The traditional marketing mix The concept of marketing mix was first introduced by Neil Borden in the 1950s and McCarthy in 1964 developed it into the four Ps, including product, price, place and promotion (GroÃÅ'ˆnroos 1994). This marketing mix summarized by McCarthy is commonly referred to as the traditional four Ps (GroÃÅ'ˆnroos 1994). The traditional marketing mix has had a substantial effect on informing the development of both marketing theory and practice (Mà ¶ller 2006). Applying the marketing mix makes it easy to handle and organise marketing activities, including market analysis, marketing planning, advertising, sales, sales promotion, pricing, distribution and product packaging (GroÃÅ'ˆnroos 1994). Meanwhile, marketing mix is also a conceptual framework that facilitates the exchange or transfer of goods or ideas so that it can help managers to satisfy consumers’ demands better than their competitors (Zineldin and Philipson 2007). Although the traditional 4Ps are not sufficient to satisfy the demands of the marketing concept (Gummesson 2000), they have become an indisputable paradigm in theoretical research and are still in effect and helpful in some industries (e.g. manufacturing) (GroÃÅ'ˆnroos 1994, Zineldin and Philipson 2007, Brooks and Simkin 2012). So the marketing mix can still explore its utility in automotive sector firms. Next, this essay will explore the relationship between the traditional marketing mix and the success of Land Rover. Firstly, products involve tangible products (e.g. cars) which are capable of satisfying customer needs or wants (Johan et al 2011). Considering that a broader product line would help to provide products to different customers with various characteristics and to meet their heterogeneous needs (Kekre and Srinivasan 1990), Land Rover involves such a product line with a group of brands that are closely related in terms of the capabilities and the functions they provide. These include Ranger Rover, Range Rover Sport, Range Rover Evoque discovery and so on. A broader product line is closely related to the company’s market share and profitability (Kekre and Srinivasan 1990). According to the data from TATA Company, Land Rover has achieved record-breaking global sales in 2013 and sold 425,006 vehicles in 2013 – up 19% on 2012 – setting new sales records in 38 international markets. In terms of prices, companies often set different prices in various market segments, including different customers, products and locations. As a result, implementing segmented pricing strategies can involve various market segments and cover large number of customers (Kotler 2007). For example, Range Rover Evoque adopts distinctive pricing strategies based on the different types of engines with the mix of penetration and prestige pricing, they use penetration pricing for pure version of the car and prestige pricing strategy for the prestige and dynamic version of the car. Excluding the customers who are not sensitive to prices and care more about brand value, appearance, comforts and environmental friendliness than prices, a great number of customers have high price sensitiveness and prefer lower prices and high quality products. However, this mixed pricing strategy will confuse the consumers about the brand value to some extent (Mitchell and Papavassiliou 1999). Furthermore, Land Rov er also has its own price distinctiveness all over the world. Using Range Rover Evoque as an example, in the UK, the minimum price of SD4 Diesel is  £29205; the same types in United Stated and China are  £25482 and  £58383 respectively. Thirdly, A more efficient distribution channel would bring less cost in delivery and help to enhance service quality and customer satisfaction (Jobber 2001). It could be found that a traditional exclusive distribution channel would lead to inconvenience for customers when they needed repairs or maintenance services, so channel integration with international networks was formulated. As stated in the company’s annual report, Land Rover has overall 174 markets, through a global network of 18 national sales companies, 83 importers, 61 export partners and 2241 franchise sales dealers. For further penetrating Chinese market, Land Rover co-branded with its partnership Chery Automobile China to set up the biggest parts distribution centre in China in order to facilitate delivery and rapidly response to the dealers and the end consumers’ parts ordering with this centre being capable of supporting 2,000 outbound lines per day. Nevertheless, co-branding will influence a brand†™s positioning when customers blame the originated brand with their dissatisfaction towards] new products, and bring with it a number of risks to damage the originated brand equity (Washburn et al 2000). Finally, Chu and Keh (2006) has stated: â€Å"without adequate capitals invested in promotion, it might be difficult for firms to build their own brand value†. All the entire effort Land Rover has exerted on promotion is to improve consumers’ loyalty towards its brand value and deliver its brand spirit-adventure. Land Rover organised a series of activities, such as off-road challenges, fun drives and rallies. A specially designed off-road simulation test track was constructed outside the showroom in Kollupitiya, to demonstrate the brand’s off-road supremacy. Besides these, Land Rover has one of the most active owners club – the LROC. With its membership, the LROC renders yeoman service towards promoting the link between Land Rover and the spirit of adventure. On the other hand, improving corporate social responsibility (CSR) is an approach to enhancing customers’ awareness of brand value, thus improving the sales of products. Melo and Galan (2010) c oncluded that when CSR is optimally conducted in the business context, it will maximally contribute to the improvement of brand value. Through Land Rover’s community and global CSR, the company not only improves the value of its brand, but also gets young people to have the opportunity to access advanced knowledge through education partnership, and gets the lives of millions of people improved. The new marketing mix integrated with relationship marketing However, tangible products are not the only factor in the evaluation of the success of a company. Intangible products or services are as important as tangible ones (Johan et al 2011). An increasing number of corporations throughout the world are beginning to add value to their core products by additional services. This is driven by customer needs or wants and is perceived as sharpening their competitive edges (Vandermerwe and Rada 1988). As a result, an authorized Land Rover service centre was set up to provide a customised route for services and maintenance and to ensure that they will meet Land Rovers rigorous standards for quality and services. It is also guaranteed that your new car and its warranty are fully protected. Furthermore, customising the delivery of service on the product-customer interface is a key to improving customer satisfaction (Bettencourt and Gwinner 1996). There are some additional experiences, such as wining a chance to fly into space (2014), and an annual La nd Rover adventure travel membership (2014) designed for different customers in order to satisfy customers. However, traditional marketing mix focuses on tangible products and does not cover services. Obviously, with the introduction of services, the traditional four Ps are not sufficient to satisfy the demands of the current marketing concept (Gummesson 2000). Therefore, Booms and Bitner (1981) concluded that service needs a different marketing mix and introduced a new marketing mix for service, including the traditional 4Ps and participant (people), physical evidence and process. Nevertheless, GroÃÅ'ˆnroos (1994) stated that the marketing mix separates marketing from other activities, influencing the development of market orientation and customer orientation. Therefore, relationship marketing should be adopted to perform interactive marketing function. Mà ¶ller (1992) mentioned that the function of the marketing mix has extended to the strategic role, integrated with services marketing and interactions in industrial networks. Industries marketing and services marketing demand a relationship-oriented approach to marketing, which aims to establish relationships with both customers and other partners and to satisfy all the objectives of partners (GroÃÅ'ˆnroos 1994). Therefore, People planning tends to be very important in the service sector where staff have a high level of interaction with customers. The interaction between front-line employees, especially the sales person, and customers is likely to critically influence market effectiveness (Palmer 2006). However, the marketing success of a company does not solely depend on â€Å"full-time marketers†, â€Å"part-time marketers†, including technicians and existing customers, often contribute more to influencing the purchase decisions of customers than sales persons (GroÃÅ'ˆnroos 1994). As Yin and Tao (2011) has stated: â€Å"the implementation of strategic objectives, including marketing strategies and the enlargement of distribution channels, cannot be conducted without integrating and developing human capital†. Land Rover has an experienced and integrated team and an international network ready to help customers every step of the way from choosing the right vehicle, to delivery and beyond. Furthermore, to give customer premium service and maintenance, Land Rover made lot of effort to make sure that all the trained advisers and technicians at authorized Land Rover retailers have unrivalled experience, knowledge, and skills. Furthermore, processes are involved in serving the customers, including the pre-sale phrase, sale phrase and after-sale phrase (Hill et al 2002). In terms of pre-sale services, except for offline service, Land Rover also provides online customised services. Consumers would be able to buy a preferred product online. They will have a chance to choose a car’s design theme and specification of engine. Once customers make a purchase decision, Land Rover will provide dealers’ permission and the nearest dealer will process the orders and complete the delivery service. Customers might choose the place where they are living and choose the specific dealership online, with dealers providing different kinds of services, including sales, parts, servicing and repairs. Furthermore, meetings with dealers will be held regularly to receive customer feedbacks after sale. Finally, it can be found that customers tend to rely on physical cues to evaluate the quality of service before they make a purchasing decision (Rafiq and Ahmed 1995). Thus, Land Rover adopts technological innovations to create a premium physical appearance. These innovations include an interior decoration using luxury leather lined interior; with a choice of the available seats to manage weather extremes, new levels of ambient refinement and personalization and the installation of an automatically powered tailgate. On other hand, by offering tangible evidence of promised services may help to reduce the level of risk and facilitate customers’ purchase decisions. Overall, with the application of the new 3Ps, it provides a broader perspective and makes the marketing strategies look comprehensive and more refined and detailed than the traditional marketing mix (Rafiq and Ahmed 1995). Conclusion The marketing mix still has its positive aspects in certain industries, especially in an automotive industry. However, considering that the traditional 4Ps only focus on products and the increase of marketing competition, the traditional 4Ps are not sufficient to help a company to maximise market strategy. In order to integrate customer services, processes, people and physical evidence need to be added into the new marketing mix. Then, through analysing the Land Rover, it can be seen that the new marketing mix (7Ps) is an indispensable factor in deciding its success. However, Traditional marketing mix ignore the internal markets like the employees in the organization and the relationship with suppliers, referrals and ‘influencer‘ markets. Companies need to evolve trends concerning customer relationship and long-term profitability of customer retention. This is through the coordination of external (customers) markets and the collaboration of internal (staff) markets in ord er to make the marketing mix running smoothly (GroÃÅ'ˆnroos 1994, Christopher et al 1991).In the future, Land Rover should continue to think about how to integrate marketing mix with relationship marketing and how to build strong relationships with partners, suppliers and customers based on mutual cooperation-for example, constructing a valuable community. References Andersson, J., Bengtsson, F., Ekman, J., Lindberg, E., Waldehorn, C. and Nilsson, F. (2011). Perception of innovation in companies-measuring the mindset of tangible and intangible innovation in companies. pp.532542. Bettencourt, L. and Gwinner, K. (1996). Customization of the service experience: the role of the frontline employee. International Journal of Service Industry Management, 7(2), pp.3-20. Booms B. H. Bitner B. J. (1980). Marketing strategies and organisation structures for  service firms. 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Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Princess Diana :: essays research papers

Art can be describe and shown in many ways. When I look at art, I looked to see different types of painting, sculpture, or anything that is made out of any object that is creative. Princess Diana exhibit was a different type of art that I would never considers as being art. At the Museum of Art in Fort Lauderdale, â€Å"Diana A Celebration† displayed many collections of Princess Diana Family memorable items for the world to see. My first impression I had in my mind before visiting Diana A Celebration was to see beautiful painting or sculptures, but instead I walk into a room that portrayed as a biography of Princess Diana life. Visiting the Downtown Miami Museum kept a vision in my mind of traditional type of art. My mind has been closed minded as to what art is and what type of art is really considered art. â€Å"What art really is?† can be a question that is probably asked and can never be answered because of the different opinions about art. Generally, comparing to the Museum of Art in Downtown Miami and the Diana A Celebration exhibit, you can defiantly see the different type of Art and how it is presented.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Downtown Miami Museum of Art was more of a traditionally type of Art that many people will recognize first. The museum displayed many types of paintings that were drawn by famous artist. There was a beautiful arrangement out of mirrors that when you stood in front of the piece it presented many reflections of yourself. The collections of painting at the Downtown Miami museum made you step out of the box and think so you would try to figure out what the artist is trying to reveal in their paintings. Art to me should be like a brain buster trying to solve an unsolved mystery, a beautiful sketch, or a creative piece that have never been done before. However, at the Princess Diana exhibit, I learned more about her life, contributions, and death.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Princess Diana exhibit was a beautiful exhibit that displayed the time she was born, married, and sadly died. Princess Diana of Wales was born Lady Diana Frances Spencer on 1 July 1961 in Norfolk. Princes Diana was the youngest of four children and she had two sisters, Sarah and Jane, and a younger brother Charles. Princess Diana lived with her father and in 1975 the family moved to the Spencer family house in Northampton shire in English Midlands.